Tuesday, October 7, 2008

History Plans

Right now we are at the Rennaisance. We will continue to do this together and add in some great picture books. I will also tie in some Canadian History and the Little History of the World for the older two.

Eventually (later this year or next) we will move onto the Modern Era where we will branch of out of our 'group'. Ar will read from Sonlight 7 and 300 (adding in necessary Canadian History), and we will do some read alouds together and Ar. will listen to SOTW CDs and the Little History of the World and narrate etc. Small ones at this point??

Edited to add: I like how Valerie uses topic weeks (such as how Tapestry of Grace does it) to organise her studies. This would be helpful for us, but we would definitely not stick all that info into a week (it would just be a good way for my mind to look at it- a skeletal plan of sorts.)

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