Friday, October 26, 2007

Tuesday to Friday

Let's see...
All- Math
-Bible (section from the Gospel of Mark)
-the Aenied
-Looking at a new Winslow Homer painting
-instruments practiced

Ariel and Hannah -dictation from Beren and Luthien

Caleb- copywork from HP

Then we went to chess club

Began the day with reading aloud, slipping from Breakie to the couch....
(This worked well again- we so love this time of our day, and the change from this to something active like chores and then math is a good mix up of types of energy and mindwork)

All: Gospel of Mark
The Minotaur-the first half
Child's History of the World- Ceaser
Recited our Poem- The Bath Song by JRR Tolkien
Read two picture books from Chiina- The Firebird (by Demi) and another one

Chores for all

All: Math

Ariel: -read lots of his Gregor novels (3 of them today)
The Life of a Spider by Fabre (orally narrated it to this arachnaphobic mom, and then we looked up the dens of Wolf Spiders after this.... by this point I was downright creeped out and called it a day!)
- did a worksheet of grammar
-wrote a poem of the story of Bruce and the Spider

Hannah:- read In God's Garden and The Order of the Phoenix
-did a good amount of LOTR copywork
-practiced piano
-did grammar worksheet

Caleb :-read the story of Icarus and Daedelus from a Book of Virtues
-did copywork from HP

Hannah had ballet this night. She is doing so well and really progressing.

Table to couch again for stories....
All: -Gospel of Mark at table
-Read the rest of the Minotaur
-Read 2 great picture books (The Treasure and another one??)- Aaron loved this
-read A Midsummer Night's dream (the rest of scene one- mostly to Ar and H)
-finished our Magic or Muggle potion (we are pretty magical here!)

Chores (let the kids fold while I read)

Ar: -Math (percents- he is really getting this!!!!)
-grammar recap with mom and worksheet and latin drill
-lots of copywork to finish Beren and Luthien (and a few changes on his poem)
-Read 2 chapters of Oliver Twist (and THE REST of the Gregor books (all 4)

H:-Math (circumference and area of a circle -HARD stuff!0
-grammar recap with mom and worksheet and latin drill
-copywork from LOTR
-read Order of the Phoenix (I am just so glad she is reading-I am not pushing which books too much. She is to read 4-6 pages twice a week of her Saints book)

C: he was snuffly and tired looking (he is so cute!) So we played Sequence, and he did a few math questions (borrowing and perimeter and thousands place, phew!!)

Aaron has been drawing like mad all week. His people now have ears and often the right number of fingers and toes, as well as noses! He is definitely missing Caleb, as Caleb is now doing table work and playing with Hannah more.

Hannah went with her dad to work at the community house and they did some traditional native beadwork on looms. Hannah LOVED it and has been busily beading ever since.

All:Friday room cleaning chore (then I did a major decluttering attack of our closet and most rooms)

Ar and H:Math for both

Caleb: read his Magic Treehouse book

Aaron read Go Dogs, Go to me and then I went and had a long shower at this point, made some snacks and got out the stuff for our Friday craft. We did beautiful watercolors, I am so happy with them.

All: The Aeniad (second to last chapter)

Friday's are working well in a great rhythm. . We start the day with room cleaning each Friday. Then the older two are still doing math, but Caleb has a free day. After this we do something different. The last few weeks we have done craft projects from the Usborne book, Hannah picked them out. I am loving this, working in this creative and special moment into our weeks.

Other ideas for Fridays...
-geography day
-science day (or on Thursdays)

-have tea time with heaps of poetry books on Tues. or Wed. afternoon next week
-look for some books for a science focus possibly
-for Ar: next week or two he will do Shackleton
week after (or 2) will do Mao (read and write papers on both these books)
continue with Oliver Twist and Life of a Spider
-make up a map match up for countries of N and S. America
-Make time for Aaron's letter learning and create some cards etc.
-I am excited about the list of Writing projects. I think this will be a great visual for me. I might make it a separate document if I get a chance.

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